Tribute Wall

The family of David L. Evans uploaded a photo
Friday, June 23, 2023

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Joseph jones posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2021
Hey Dave it's joe.. Miss you bro. I mean bro.. Really u where just teaching me how to make a oreo crumble behind adams back now u gone .. Maybe God take u in his house love u man.
Deborah Prokrym Brown posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
My deepest condolences for the lost of such an amazing man..Dave was such a big part of our Bakery Family at RPI during my 7yrs. Always a smile with a beautiful nature about him. he was an absolute gentleman and respectful in every way and willing to lend his assistance whenever in need…I can honestly say there was not one person who did not love Dave. May you RIP. Until we meet again. Your friend, Deborah Brown
Regina Du Pont posted a condolence
Monday, August 2, 2021
Words can not express just how much joy you have brought into our lives the last 11 and a half years you have been one of my closest friends and a great roommate the last memory I will hold in my heart is July 16th 2021 when my granddaughter finally stopped being scared of the giant man in the house and let you pick her up and hold her and her last words to you (" I love you Dave") she is the only kid I ever seen shy away from you my nephews all loved you from day one and never where scared of you but my Julie had to be different but you never gave up trying to get her to like you you where always so gentle and kind to her and to everyone Dave you will never know or understand the whole you have left in our hearts we will forever miss you and wish you where still here with us to share in the memories and enjoy your intoxicating laugh
DeShon DeBoG Dandridge posted a condolence
Monday, August 2, 2021
Brother David 20 years ago if you’ve been a constant my best friend my brother my advice column and my lyrical counterpart thank you for being everything that you were my family is impacted by your loss from here to Chicago we often laughed and debated who is the better rapper of all time I laugh because it was you you laugh because it was me as we both explained about each other we had a friendship that was unparalleled this is going to be a significant loss but I can’t be selfish about it because all the time that you were here with us you did nothing but give positive energy and love to those around you and now it’s time for you to give the same energy to the world so you were called home because you had a bigger job to do. I no longer have to ask ‶ O brother where art thou?″ As our favorite movie suggests. You’re in heavens studio or Sittin on the chair watching the new fast and furious eating Chinese food. Rest in glory little brother best friend love always your big brother DeBo G
Robin Dandridge posted a condolence
Friday, July 30, 2021
What can i say this man was the brother i didnt have for 20 years. As well as the uncle my kids needed in thier life. Watching movies and our family dinners will not be the same. You probably didnt even know how much my kids loved you....life will not be the same but we know you are watching over all of us. We loved your hugs...as my oldest said "uncle dave gave the best hugs"... He was a gentle giant with a big heart. I will forever carry you with me in my heart Brother Dave. Love you forever your sis Robin Dandridge
Susan Spain posted a condolence
Friday, July 30, 2021
I am so saddened to hear of Dave's passing. Working together many years at RPI and watching him grow into the fine man he became. Such a gentle soul. My sympathy and prayers to his family. Rest in peace my friend. Sue Spain