Tribute Wall

The family of Stephen Alfred Krause uploaded a photo
Friday, June 23, 2023

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michelle covarrubias posted a condolence
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Mr.Krause was one of the only teachers to get my humor- and inspired me to write unique pieces. I wrote one about the fallacy of fairy tales ( which I think I still have) and his comments were GREAT! I actually minored one English in large part because of him. I’m in education at the elementary and university level in part because of him. He stood by and protected me during the year the teachers were crazy dealing with salary issues and my dad was the business manager( the year of the walk out) some people- including adults were treating me like $@@$$ and at one point he spoke out and said leave her alone -it’s her dad not her. I really appreciated that moment. To his family- know he inspired many kids!
Janet Howard posted a condolence
Sunday, December 8, 2019
I had the pleasure of teaching with Steve at Tamarac Middle School and always appreciated his keen intelligence and gentle humor. You could always count on him for a fresh perspective. He will be missed.
John & Leslie Farrell posted a condolence
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Condolences to all Steve’s family and friends. We have wonderful memories of Steve growing up in Watervliet, attending St. Brigid’s and spending time at Krause’s merry-go-round at Crystal Lake in Averill Park. Rest In Peace, Steve